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 Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem

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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Empty
PostSubject: Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem   Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 8:05 am

from http://www.musicweek.com/story.asp?sectioncode=1&storycode=1047116&c=1

Vertigo Records signs The Gaslight Anthem

09:22 | Friday October 21, 2011

By Charlotte Otter

Vertigo Records has signed The Gaslight Anthem for a worldwide record deal, excluding US and Canada, for the release of their fourth album next year.

The label is an imprint of Mercury records and the album will be A&R’s by Vertigo managing director Paul Adam and the band will begin recording the as-yet-unnamed release in January 2012. Speaking about the signing Adam said he believed the band would go on to be one of the most important bands of the next few years.

Mercury Group UK president Jason ILey added: “They’ve already produced three exceptional albums, and it feels like they have only just got started. I know that Paul and his team at Vertigo will provide the perfect home for the band to develop their career and meet their creative aspirations.”

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The '59 Sound
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Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem   Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 8:08 am

See-Mercury Group UK president Jason ILey knows that TGA have already produced three exceptional albums
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem   Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 8:19 am

bobbyw24 wrote:
See-Mercury Group UK president Jason ILey knows that TGA have already produced three exceptional albums

still, all this imprints and part of this that or other group business is getting confusing

so in the US & Canada the Gaslight Anthem are signed to Mercury Records/Island Def Jam Recording Music Group which is part of Universal Music Group

and in the rest of the world they are signed to Vertigo Records which is part of Mercury Records UK which is part of Universal Music Group

hey, so the Gaslight Anthem are signed to Universal Music Group ... now that's easy

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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem   Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 9:29 am

here's something i've quickly made while being bored in class:

Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Img_0211

there's only 4 major labels as of right now (what is known as “The Big Four”): Warner, Universal, Sony/BMG and EMI.

The Island-Def Jam Motown Music Group is what you can call an “umbrella label”, meaning it’s a group that contains many different labels: Island Records, Motown Records, Mercury Records and Def Jam Recordings. Basically, they’re all subsidiaries of Universal.

however, the Island-Def Jam Group only distributes in North America. So here’s where another group comes in: Mercury Records Group of Universal Music UK, in charge of the distribution in the UK and most parts of the rest of the world.

ad now Vertigo Records: Vertigo Records is basically a record label operated by Mercury Music Group, which is operated by Universal Music UK, which is operated by Universal.

so to make things simple, Gaslight have not literally signed with Universal (even though Universal is the big machine behind their record label). They’re signed to Mercury Records. In terms of distribution (and marketing and promotion), Mercury Records will be in charge of North America while Vertigo Records will be in charge of the UK and, as this article states, now the rest of the world.

so don’t over think it too much (as i have xD): Gaslight are signed to Mercury Records, all the other record labels and many different names are just there for distribution purposes.

at least, that's how i understand it. i did all this in class a while ago, so i haven’t checked my facts and i might have some things wrong… although i hope i don’t Razz
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Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem   Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 11:30 am

Its clear, good work Bea
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem   Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 2:48 pm

bobbyw24 wrote:
See-Mercury Group UK president Jason ILey knows that TGA have already produced three exceptional albums

Time to complain about SatQ not getting any love bounce
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem   Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 3:16 pm

That was a helpful chart. Thanks!

And also, your penmanship is excellent. This is coming from someone who got an "Unsatisfactory" in penmanship at 10 years old though, so take that however you want.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem   Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 3:26 pm

haha thanks, i take it as a compliment Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem   Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem Icon_minitime

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Vertigo Records (an imprint of Mercury records) signs The Gaslight Anthem
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