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 Exclusive stream: The Gaslight Anthem takes on Tom Petty's "Refugee"

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Location : Jacksonville, Fla

Exclusive stream: The Gaslight Anthem takes on Tom Petty's "Refugee" Empty
PostSubject: Exclusive stream: The Gaslight Anthem takes on Tom Petty's "Refugee"   Exclusive stream: The Gaslight Anthem takes on Tom Petty's "Refugee" Icon_minitimeSat Oct 15, 2011 8:53 am


We announced last week that the Gaslight Anthem was releasing a new live record, iTunes Sessions, in December. Well, now the release has been bumped up to Tuesday Oct. 18. The album, which finds the New Jersey pop-punk band tackling some classic-rock favorites amid a handful of originals, features a cover of Tom Petty's "Refugee" which you can stream below.
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Exclusive stream: The Gaslight Anthem takes on Tom Petty's "Refugee"
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