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 The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview

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steady now steady now
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PostSubject: The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview    The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 6:59 am

Full piece at: http://www.gigwise.com/features/67785/The-Horrible-Crowes-Interview

Not just content with being frontman for the hugely successful, as well as Bruce Springsteen’s favourite group, The Gaslight Anthem, Brian Fallon has now teamed up with close friend Ian Perkins to form The Horrible Crowes. Having met Perkins while he was part of the tech team on tour with The Gaslight Anthem, the two hit it off and are now riding the waves of their debut album ‘Elsie’. While the band are a side project of The Gaslight Anthem, they are more Tom Waits and Nick Cave than Springsteen. In the UK and fresh off the plane, Gigwise get in to it with the duo, discussing free Bentley rides, where their name comes from, why the NME are not in their good graces, and Brian tells us exclusively that The Gaslight Anthem have broken up...

First of all, talk to us about your guys relationship...

Brian: Well it’s strictly platonic, at least in public anyway. We wrote a record about ladies as we’re trying to hide the fact that we love each other.

Keeping your hidden love for one another under wraps, what we’d like to know in the meantime is how you guys met and how The Horrible Crowes came about...

Brian - Well we met because we had a mutual friend who was working for The Gaslight Anthem. She suggested that Ian help us out when we were doing Reading and Leeds a couple of years ago. When he showed up we just kinda hit it off straight away, talking about bands and stuff like that. We were talking about the National actually, because he had worked with them and I think they’re one of the best bands, so I was grilling him like, “What are those guys like? Are they cool?” So we just hit it off from there.

Ian: We were being very un-rock’n’roll weren’t we?

Brian: Well yeah. He doesn’t drink, I don’t drink, and so guys like that hang out. So while everyone else was drinking we were talking.

Did you decide to do music together right away or was it something you did later on after the friendship grew?The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview  Horriblecrows-front200
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview    The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 9:09 am

Great interview! Thanks for posting this Smile I thought Brian handled the bad reviews very well, and I think the reviewer who said he is a misogynist must be smoking crack. Anybody know what magazine that review was in?
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steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview    The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 11:01 am

IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
I think the reviewer who said he is a misogynist must be smoking crack. Anybody know what magazine that review was in?

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I'da called you Woody
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PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview    The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 11:17 am

perhaps one of my favorite interviews.
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview    The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 11:37 am

steady now steady now wrote:
IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
I think the reviewer who said he is a misogynist must be smoking crack. Anybody know what magazine that review was in?


Thanks Steady. That gave me a terrific laugh. I think Stephen Deusner really needs to get laid.

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PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview    The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 12:20 pm

I loved reading that interview! Thanks
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview    The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 12:25 pm

steady now steady now wrote:
IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
I think the reviewer who said he is a misogynist must be smoking crack. Anybody know what magazine that review was in?


Thanks for the link, Steady. My suspicions are even stronger now that this dude is a crackhead. Did he actually say that the Crowes songs are less emotionally charged (or soemthing like that) than the Gaslight songs? They are different, yes, but not emotional enough? Rolling Eyes Please...

It sounds like this guy just doesn't like Brian for whatever reason. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview    The Horrible Crowes: Gigwise Interview  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 3:18 pm

That American Songwriter review actually made me LOL.

Great interview!
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