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 Shore Fire Media Release: Horrible Crowes Heat Up Both Sides Of The Atlantic

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Join date : 2010-07-26
Location : Jacksonville, Fla

Shore Fire Media Release: Horrible Crowes Heat Up Both Sides Of The Atlantic Empty
PostSubject: Shore Fire Media Release: Horrible Crowes Heat Up Both Sides Of The Atlantic   Shore Fire Media Release: Horrible Crowes Heat Up Both Sides Of The Atlantic Icon_minitimeFri Oct 07, 2011 7:23 am

Full piece here: http://www.shorefire.com/index.php?a=pressrelease&o=5290

Critical raves follow The Horrible Crowes as they make their way across Europe as part of the sold-out Revival Tour, with Ultimate Guitar describing their live performance as "mesmerizing" and popular Irish blog Goldenplec calling it " intense." The band's debut album, 'Elsie' (SideOneDummy), met with similar acclaim in Europe upon its release, debuting in the Top 10 on the indie charts in multiple countries. The BBC called it "a touching, tragic album," and Mojo raved that it's "full of rage [and] regret," with songs "that ache like an empty bed."
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