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 Senor & The Queen

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PostSubject: Senor & The Queen   Senor & The Queen Icon_minitimeWed Jul 09, 2008 1:54 am

"Show me your hands!
I wanna know how you dance, pretty baby, by the light of the moon.
If you carry your lovers around in a heart like a tomb, with a view,
I wanna know how you lose, pretty baby, does it show in your eyes?
Were you born to be a runner, or are you a casual sigh?
Did the boys at school break your precious heart in two?

And in every sad, sad country song,
Is there a little bitty piece of 'em still hanging on?
You tell me yours and I'll tell you mine, my dear.
Then we'll bury these old ghosts here.

Where'd you get those eyes?
What do you see with those eyes, pretty darling, in the dead of the night?
Are you saying your prayers or are you glowing like the metal on the edge of the knife?
Baby whose name sounds right on the lips of my Queen?
Am I speaking in riddles, or do you feel what I mean?
Are you dying to move, or are you dying to be the one moved?

And would you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake Senora.
If I could make you feel like he used to make you feel.
I'll swing you a song and I'll dance you a dance my dear, my dear
And would you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake Senora.
If I could make you feel like he used to make you feel.
I'll swing you a song and I'll dance you a dance my dear,
and we'll bury these old ghosts here."

What is this song all about - any ideas?
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Jukebox Romeo
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: Senor & The Queen   Senor & The Queen Icon_minitimeFri Sep 12, 2008 9:35 pm

I know this is an old thread, but I was just listening to this today, and I figured out what it means. Or at least what it means to me.

I think this song's about burying the ghosts of your past (i.e. the things that still haunt you to this day, such as old regrets, mistakes, tragedies, whatever), and just letting go of the past and moving on. suddenly took on a whole new meaning to me, I know that
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: Senor & The Queen   Senor & The Queen Icon_minitimeSat Sep 13, 2008 5:53 pm

I think it's specifically about her ex-boyfriend. He's asking if the memories of her old boyfriends are haunting her- keeping he from moving on and living free. He offers to talk to her about them- and when they're done- considered those "old ghosts" (memories) buried so that they both can move on. He wants to know if she still thinks of him when she listens to those sad country songs. Asks her what name she feels comfortable saying. What does she see (think) at night when she's alone. He wants to know if she understands what he's saying, where he's coming from. He wants to be able to give her the same feeling the ex gave her- and if he could make her feel that way he'll be happy- he'll sing and dance. But that's just what I think it's about. Like I said in a different thread- the awesome thing about music is that it can mean different things to different people- neither one being right or wrong.
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PostSubject: Re: Senor & The Queen   Senor & The Queen Icon_minitime

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