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 Exclusive Stream: Gaslight Anthem Pay Tribute to Pearl Jam

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Exclusive Stream: Gaslight Anthem Pay Tribute to Pearl Jam Empty
PostSubject: Exclusive Stream: Gaslight Anthem Pay Tribute to Pearl Jam   Exclusive Stream: Gaslight Anthem Pay Tribute to Pearl Jam Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 1:22 pm


By Rolling Stone
October 4, 2011 11:45 AM ET

By Rolling Stone
October 4, 2011 11:45 AM ET

Click to listen to The Gaslight Anthem's 'State of Love and Trust (Pearl Jam cover)'

New Jersey's Gaslight Anthem paid tribute to one of their favorite bands when recording a session for iTunes. "I think Pearl Jam is the best rock band of my generation, and to have one of their songs be played by my own band is an honor for me," says frontman Brian Fallon. "We chose 'State' because it's the song we felt that could've been a Gaslight song had we had the gift of that song come to us. It's a great song about staying faithful."

New Jersey's Gaslight Anthem paid tribute to one of their favorite bands when recording a session for iTunes. "I think Pearl Jam is the best rock band of my generation, and to have one of their songs be played by my own band is an honor for me," says frontman Brian Fallon. "We chose 'State' because it's the song we felt that could've been a Gaslight song had we had the gift of that song come to us. It's a great song about staying faithful."
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Exclusive Stream: Gaslight Anthem Pay Tribute to Pearl Jam
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