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A forum dedicated to The Gaslight Anthem - Brian Fallon says: ''For consistent and up to the minute stuff, Dimestore Saints is a great place to check out and hang with some really nice people.''
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Location : Jacksonville, Fla

Hip Video Promo: THE HORRIBLE CROWES Empty
PostSubject: Hip Video Promo: THE HORRIBLE CROWES   Hip Video Promo: THE HORRIBLE CROWES Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 7:35 am

Source: http://www.hipvideopromo.com/clients/the_horrible_crowes.php

As it gets darker and moodier outside, so do our music tastes. Fall is full effect, and it’s time to switch off the lighthearted summer tunes and embrace something a little duskier. It’s Andy Gesner, here with the HIP crew to bring you the latest from Brian Fallon, who most of us know best as the frontman of Gaslight Anthem. His latest project, The Horrible Crowes, is a step into the dark side of human nature that aims to captivate with the leading single “Behold the Hurricane.”

Despite the success Fallon has had with his main band, Gaslight Anthem, an act who started out in Jersey basements and slowly built their way up to headlining New York’s Radio City Music Hall and sharing the stage with Bruce Springsteen, he’s always loved decidedly less rocking acts such as the Afghan Whigs and Tom Waits. The Horrible Crowes—his new side-project alongside longtime friend and guitar tech Ian Perkins—is his lounge-friendly tip of the hat to the acts who have shaped another side of his musical vision. The band recorded their debut album Elsie with the help of Ted Hutt (Dropkick Murphys, Chuck Ragan)—and although the band is technically a two-piece, they also enlisted Steve Sidelnyk (drums and percussion), the Parkington Sisters (strings and accordion), Ted Hutt (guitars), Adele Jensen (trumpet) and The Gaslight Anthem’s other members to add more texture to the sound of the album. The Horrible Crowes leaves a bit of the Springsteen bravado of Gaslight to embrace strings and drum loops over actual instrumentation to create a unique dichotomy between organic and electronic instrumentation that prevents Elsie from lapsing into familiar territory.
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