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 The Horrible Crowes Redefine Originality

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Location : Jacksonville, Fla

The Horrible Crowes Redefine Originality Empty
PostSubject: The Horrible Crowes Redefine Originality   The Horrible Crowes Redefine Originality Icon_minitimeMon Oct 03, 2011 7:23 am

Source: http://www.sunjournal.com/encore/story/1094188

I will probably be burned in effigy for saying this, but I have never been a big Bruce Springsteen fan. I just don’t think his music or lyrics are that great — not even from his glory days of “Born To Run” and “The River.” Frankly, I find him a bit monotonous — “Nebraska” nearly put me in a coma.
The Horrible Crowes Redefine Originality ENChorriblecrowesP092911

But if you are a die-hard Springsteen fan, like my husband who was born in Red Bank, N.J., despite generations of Maine heritage, then you might want to check out the band The Gaslight Anthem. A new generation of alternative music fans knows this group, also from Red Bank, for its Springsteen-esque sound amped up with a little punkish twist and witty word play.

If you’re simply a rock fan who gets nauseous at today’s pop playlist and tired of regurgitated classic rock, then check out the new spinoff group from The Gaslight Anthem. The band’s singer, Brian Fallon, teamed up with his sound tech guy, Ian Perkins, to create The Horrible Crowes and a truly original sound with their album “Elsie” released this month.
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