Did anyone catch this? http://www.absoluteradio.co.uk/onair/events/1149-The+Horrible+Crowes%3A+Session
"After 7 tonight we have @briangaslight 's side project The Horrible Crowes on the show!"
Ok, there's also a podcast available.
THC part starts at 37:22 and 45:30
Apparently they also played a few songs (Black Betty, Cherry Blossoms) but they are cut out of the podcast. Anyone recorded it by chance?
It's Brian and Ian
Starts with the "dinosaurs" story started by the German magazine about Brian's religious believes. They also talk about how Brian discovered the amazing talent of Ian, about Elsie, Tom Waits, meeting heroes, experimenting with THC ....
And Brian now said it oficially on radio that Ian's gonna be playing guitar with TGA.