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 The Horrible Crowes - We always loved the sad, sad songs (thanks Enolal)

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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The Horrible Crowes - We always loved the sad, sad songs (thanks Enolal) Empty
PostSubject: The Horrible Crowes - We always loved the sad, sad songs (thanks Enolal)   The Horrible Crowes - We always loved the sad, sad songs (thanks Enolal) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 9:45 am

News 15 034 The Horrible Crowes are now publishing the first single from her album "Elsie". "Behold The Hurricane" First they send into the race.

"I do not recognize myself / I'm not the man you loved / Behold the hurricane." So the chorus goes to "Behold The Hurricane" and also publish the introduction to the video. The Horrible Crowes their first video and tell the story of a man who seems to have lost almost everything and is even on the best way, "lost" to go. In addition, it is still hot on the heels of the death. "The song tells a pretty sad story," said Brian Fallon. "It did not feel right to just shoot two people with their guitars, to tell this story." Therefore, Fallon and his cronies have committed the Ian Perkins, director Corin Hardy, who has made ​​the story rather than a short film a music video.

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The Horrible Crowes - We always loved the sad, sad songs (thanks Enolal)
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