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 The Horrible Crowes Bring A New Layer Of Emotional Resonance To Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream”

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The Horrible Crowes Bring A New Layer Of Emotional Resonance To Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” Empty
PostSubject: The Horrible Crowes Bring A New Layer Of Emotional Resonance To Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream”   The Horrible Crowes Bring A New Layer Of Emotional Resonance To Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 8:05 am

From: http://blog.vh1.com/2011-09-09/the-horrible-crowes-bring-a-new-layer-of-emotional-resonance-to-katy-perrys-teenage-dream/

The Horrible Crowes are the new side project of Brian Fallon, the man best known as being the singer and songwriter of the Springsteen-revering New Jersey punk band The Gaslight Anthem. His new outfit played a sold-out show at New York City’s Bowery Ballroom last night, focusing mainly on the group’s new record, Elsie. However, The Horrible Crowes found the time to work an unexpected cover into their set: Katy Perry‘s “Teenage Dream.”

Indie acts have been cheekily covering Top 40 songs for as long as there have been Top 40 songs to mock—Travis‘ cover of “Baby One More Time” remains a high-water mark in this genre—but instead of following that pattern, The Horrible Crowes decided to flip the script. Rather than mocking the song’s inherently anthemic qualities with, say, insincere fist-pumping during the chorus, Fallon instead infused the song with a sense of lovelorn regret, totally transforming its entire nature. In Perry’s version, the song is a come-on; in Fallon’s haunting take, it seems as if the narrator is reminiscing about his better days and a love that’s long since faded away. Suffice to say, if the Horrible Crowes ever decided to put this song on wax, it could do for “Teenage Dream” what the Cowboy Junkies once did for the Velvet Underground‘s “Sweet Jane.”

The Horrible Crowes – Teenage Dream (Katy Perry Cover) [JPCowz YouTube Page]

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The Horrible Crowes Bring A New Layer Of Emotional Resonance To Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” Empty
PostSubject: Teenage Dream Chords   The Horrible Crowes Bring A New Layer Of Emotional Resonance To Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” Icon_minitimeFri Nov 25, 2011 6:55 am

Has anybody transcribed The Horrible Crowes way of playing this song. Would you mind just letting me know the chord progressions you have if so? Im only interested in the rhythm guitar at this stage you see.

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The Horrible Crowes Bring A New Layer Of Emotional Resonance To Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream”
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