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 U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Empty
PostSubject: U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child   U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Icon_minitimeTue Jul 19, 2011 8:33 pm

Environmentalists are anti-choice?

Beckhams a 'bad example' for families
U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child The-Beckhams-007

With a fourth child, the couple have joined the ranks of the irresponsible, population experts say

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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Empty
PostSubject: Re: U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child   U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Icon_minitimeTue Jul 19, 2011 8:41 pm

Now that's just plain riddiculous.
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Empty
PostSubject: Re: U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child   U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Icon_minitimeTue Jul 19, 2011 8:44 pm

Harbortown wrote:
Now that's just plain riddiculous.

I know-right. These are people who can clearly afford to support their kids.

Will every nation push a One Child policy like China?
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U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Empty
PostSubject: Re: U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child   U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Icon_minitimeTue Jul 19, 2011 8:57 pm

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Empty
PostSubject: Re: U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child   U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Icon_minitimeTue Jul 19, 2011 9:47 pm

oldgospelchoir wrote:
stuff like this belongs in the spam thread


Really? Why? I think all sports related posts should go in spam.

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U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Empty
PostSubject: Re: U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child   U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Icon_minitimeTue Jul 19, 2011 9:53 pm

bobbyw24 wrote:
oldgospelchoir wrote:
stuff like this belongs in the spam thread


Really? Why? I think all sports related posts should go in spam.

I just dont think this is worth a new thread...that's just my opinion.
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Empty
PostSubject: Re: U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child   U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Icon_minitimeTue Jul 19, 2011 9:57 pm

I respect your opinion. I just happen to disagree with it. No biggie.

So what is the purpose of a Spam thread?
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Empty
PostSubject: Re: U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child   U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Icon_minitimeTue Jul 19, 2011 10:20 pm

oldgospelchoir wrote:
stuff like this belongs in the spam thread

Take it from a guy with an unhealthy interest in internet forums: Let there be more threads. It makes for more discussion and more activity overall.

It's a good thing.
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Empty
PostSubject: Re: U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child   U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Icon_minitimeTue Jul 19, 2011 10:35 pm

Harbortown wrote:
oldgospelchoir wrote:
stuff like this belongs in the spam thread

Take it from a guy with an unhealthy interest in internet forums: Let there be more threads. It makes for more discussion and more activity overall.

It's a good thing.

I agree, as too many interesting posts would get buried under the Spam thread.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Empty
PostSubject: Re: U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child   U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Icon_minitimeTue Jul 19, 2011 10:37 pm

bobbyw24 wrote:
Harbortown wrote:
oldgospelchoir wrote:
stuff like this belongs in the spam thread

Take it from a guy with an unhealthy interest in internet forums: Let there be more threads. It makes for more discussion and more activity overall.

It's a good thing.

I agree, as too many interesting posts would get buried under the Spam thread.
Yes. Like this adorable picture of a corgi in a lobster costume:

U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Tumblr_kyl9fzfUgf1qar3s3o1_500
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Empty
PostSubject: Re: U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child   U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Icon_minitimeTue Jul 19, 2011 10:40 pm

Or the posts where people are selling their record collections with eBay links
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steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
steady now steady now

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U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Empty
PostSubject: Re: U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child   U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Icon_minitimeWed Jul 20, 2011 4:37 am

bobbyw24 wrote:
Or the posts where people are selling their record collections with eBay links

that's not a problem, as they usually include Gaslight stuff

I'm in the "not too many threads on non-TGA stuff" camp or, rather, I think that non-TGA posts should go into certain themed threads, like 'funny photos', 'sports' etc., rather than there being new threads for stuff like this.

Any thoughts, so I can get a feel for people's preferences?
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Location : Jacksonville, Fla

U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Empty
PostSubject: Re: U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child   U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Icon_minitimeWed Jul 20, 2011 9:56 am

steady now steady now wrote:

I'm in the "not too many threads on non-TGA stuff" camp or, rather, I think that non-TGA posts should go into certain themed threads, like 'funny photos', 'sports' etc., rather than there being new threads for stuff like this.

Any thoughts, so I can get a feel for people's preferences?

Good idea
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U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Empty
PostSubject: Re: U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child   U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child Icon_minitime

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U.K. Environmentalists say Beckham is "Irreponsible" for having 4th Child
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