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 Covers of Gaslight Anthem/ Brian Fallon songs

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I'da called you Woody
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Covers of Gaslight Anthem/ Brian Fallon songs Empty
PostSubject: Covers of Gaslight Anthem/ Brian Fallon songs   Covers of Gaslight Anthem/ Brian Fallon songs Icon_minitimeTue Mar 15, 2011 1:53 pm

Does anyone else cover Gaslight songs as avidly as I seem to? Heres the link to my You Tube page with many songs to choose from. Please let me know how I'm doing, feedback is appreciated, 'like', subscribe, comment on the videos etc, all welcome. Point me towards any of your own stuff too if you wish. The Second link is just to give you a flavour its my cover of Casanova Baby. If you like that you may find more of my covers worth a watch. Thanks guys.


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Covers of Gaslight Anthem/ Brian Fallon songs
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