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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Rise Against - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rise Against   Rise Against - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 3:01 am

Casey wrote:
Seen them around 4 times and have been a fan for about 7 years, they've really declined.
The last 2 albums have sounded nearly identical, they need to reinvent their sound. Booting Chris out of the band is where I see the decline starting, Zach replacing him doesn't sound nearly as good/unique as before. And their left wing shtick is getting old, we get your band is full of vegans and you guys oppose capitalism (yet they make money off it, I'm sure they donate a lot but still hypocritical and makes it hard to take lyrics seriously). They put up a great performance though, Tim is a great entertainer. IMO Tim is carrying the band on his back in terms of creativity; Joe and Brandon are great, but Zach ruins the band for me.

I disagree that they've declined with the last two albums, but I do agree that Chris was a MUCH better guitarist than Zach. He's competent but not a very creative guitarist. But for me, Tim IS Rise Against and he's as good as he ever was. I think he's the best lyricist out there right now, and the only frontman that competes with Brian Fallon for me. I really hope he does an acoustic side project eventually, I think it would be amazing.

And oppose capitalism? Where do you get that from? They're definitely bleeding-heart liberals, but they never were against major labels or anything like that.
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A Contender
A Contender

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PostSubject: Re: Rise Against   Rise Against - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 3:32 am

OldManShoes3 wrote:
Casey wrote:
Seen them around 4 times and have been a fan for about 7 years, they've really declined.
The last 2 albums have sounded nearly identical, they need to reinvent their sound. Booting Chris out of the band is where I see the decline starting, Zach replacing him doesn't sound nearly as good/unique as before. And their left wing shtick is getting old, we get your band is full of vegans and you guys oppose capitalism (yet they make money off it, I'm sure they donate a lot but still hypocritical and makes it hard to take lyrics seriously). They put up a great performance though, Tim is a great entertainer. IMO Tim is carrying the band on his back in terms of creativity; Joe and Brandon are great, but Zach ruins the band for me.

I disagree that they've declined with the last two albums, but I do agree that Chris was a MUCH better guitarist than Zach. He's competent but not a very creative guitarist. But for me, Tim IS Rise Against and he's as good as he ever was. I think he's the best lyricist out there right now, and the only frontman that competes with Brian Fallon for me. I really hope he does an acoustic side project eventually, I think it would be amazing.

And oppose capitalism? Where do you get that from? They're definitely bleeding-heart liberals, but they never were against major labels or anything like that.

Plenty of their lyrics have values that conflict directly with capitalism. I'm not too brushed up on their newest album, but from what I know, Chamber the Cartridge stands out with plenty of anti-capitalist lyrics.

I'm blind to this impending fate
They let the world carry their weight
Its back breaks with every mile
But they all live in denial

Mass production/consumption is a core component for capitalism, and while arguing for global warming is a legitimate cause for the band, it still goes against the economic philosophy of capitalism.

Prayer of the Refugee was about outsourcing labour I believe, yet free market is another component of global capitalism.

They aren't quit as bad about it as Anti-Flag though.
I'm a sociology major and I've taken plenty of courses and know most the knocks on capitalism, the band definitely believes in enough causes to make them in opposition to modern day capitalism. It's an interesting topic though, I definitely recognize the majority of capitalism's flaws and know we're all doomed if it continues due to population growth and finite world resources. Check out the film "The Corporation" or the book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" if you want to learn more about the corrupt shit behind capitalism.
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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PostSubject: Re: Rise Against   Rise Against - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2015 7:25 pm

I saw them live yesterday here in Luxembourg and it was so amazing!!!! I really loved it Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Rise Against   Rise Against - Page 4 Icon_minitime

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