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PostSubject: Record Players   Record Players Icon_minitimeTue Dec 14, 2010 10:51 pm

I was looking into getting a record player, for when I get my collection going. I can't find any. Does anyone know what kind should I buy and how much I should pay. I'm not looking into spending an arm and a leg.

If there was one with speakers already built in that would be a major plus.
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PostSubject: Re: Record Players   Record Players Icon_minitimeWed Dec 15, 2010 2:58 am

My number one suggestion is that if you want a good turntable, do not get an all in one that has speakers built into it. Generally, those things just tend to sound like crap and they aren't really versatile in the sound quality category. You'll want to get a turntable, an amp for that turntable, and two speakers for decent quality. When it comes to brands, I'm not quite sure yet, but I can relay that back to you when I take a look at the equipment I've owned before. My dad owns a massive load of audio equipment in his record shop, so he could give me some good advice as well.

When looking for a turntable, you can go to pawn shops and thrift stores - even GoodWill would have some decent ones, you just have to look in the right places. Online you can probably find some good quality stuff off of Amazon or EBay.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: Re: Record Players   Record Players Icon_minitimeTue Dec 21, 2010 3:06 pm

if you can raise a few pennys search for a good 2nd hand Kenwood system , they have fantastic sound, might be worth lookin on ebay.
I recently dragged my old Kenwood down out of the loft just for my vinyl, which following Gaslight has kicked my vinyls collection going again, had forgot how good they sound, pain in the ass turning them over lo .
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PostSubject: Re: Record Players   Record Players Icon_minitime

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