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 Angry Johnny Live in Boston

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Join date : 2010-12-01

Angry Johnny Live in Boston Empty
PostSubject: Angry Johnny Live in Boston   Angry Johnny Live in Boston Icon_minitimeWed Dec 01, 2010 12:20 am

On the Live in Boston recording (Live at the Middle East, Aug 17, 2008) the drum interlude in Angry Johnny and the Radio that begins at the 3:00 mark is extended from the "normal" studio version. Some of the words in the interlude are hard to hear (live show and all) so I don't know if they are Brian's lyrics or if the interlude is made up of a mix of other songs. At 4:50 the refrain explodes out of the drum buildup as in the studio version, the extended interlude bringing the track to 5:40.

Has anyone figured out the lyrics to the interlude in the live recording or where they're taken from?

Only seen TGA once but it was the best concert I've ever seen. Charlottesville VA, Oct. 2010!
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