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 Anyone have copies of these they will trade/sell?

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 44
Join date : 2010-09-18
Age : 41
Location : Southern Indiana

Anyone have copies of these they will trade/sell? Empty
PostSubject: Anyone have copies of these they will trade/sell?   Anyone have copies of these they will trade/sell? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 18, 2010 6:19 pm

I'm pretty close to finishing my Gaslight collection. Here's what I'm lacking:

Sink or Swim LP (Black 1st press, Blue w/ White Springe 4th Euro press, Clear 3rd Euro press)
The '59 Sound LP (White, Green, Black Euro variant)
American Slang LP (Green Euro variant - I thought I pre-ordered one of these, but it came in black!)
Senor & The Queen 2x7" (White 1st press)
SOS Demos 7" (Blue w/ white splatter 1st press)
Old White Lincoln 7"
Great Expectations 7"

Check out my tradelist here http://deadformat.net/tradelist/chrisjhatfield1983 and let me know if we can work out a deal. I'm kind of low on cash right now, but I would be willing to trade almost anything on this list to complete my Gaslight collection. I do have multiple copies of the Chamberlain/Brian Fallon 7", Gospel Songs 7" (white), and Senor & The Queen 2x7" (gold) that I would be willing to work into a trade.


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Anyone have copies of these they will trade/sell?
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