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 Brian talks to Much Music

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Brian talks to Much Music Empty
PostSubject: Brian talks to Much Music   Brian talks to Much Music Icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 11:14 pm

Has anyone out there found a video of Brian doing an interview with Toronto's Much Music? (I searched the board for anything related to this, but couldn't find anything, so I made a new thread).

I found a brief 1:30 minute clip of it on the Much Music website. But I'm quite certain that there's more to the interview than Brian talking about how Wikipedia can be B.S. at times, cuz on his blog Brian mentioned about how it was a good interview with thoughtful questioning. So if there were good questions, I'm certain it'd be more than just a question about Wikipedia lol.

That, and the Much Music website really frustrates me with trying to find things specifically on it. I always seem to have to link through a million pages before I find the right one, when their search option should work. Yet, it never does.
Maybe I'm just a dummy and not typing in the right thing? I dunno.

If anyone could find a vid of the whole interview that'd be sweet!


There's a link to the small video they posted on their website.
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Brian talks to Much Music Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian talks to Much Music   Brian talks to Much Music Icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 11:20 pm

"check you out, canada." hahahah
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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PostSubject: Re: Brian talks to Much Music   Brian talks to Much Music Icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 11:21 pm

haha, i liked how he said that at the end of the video.

brian fallon = funny guy lol.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Brian talks to Much Music Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian talks to Much Music   Brian talks to Much Music Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 12:08 am

brian mentioned in his blog that the much music interview was a good one, ive been trying to find it. he said regarding the interview,

"Miss Liz Trinnear from Much Music who was exceptionally well informed about us, as a band, and thoughtful in her line of questioning, without playing it safe. - Thank you Miss Trinnear."

it would be nice if someone found the whole interview.
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PostSubject: Re: Brian talks to Much Music   Brian talks to Much Music Icon_minitime

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