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 Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)

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The Navesink Banks
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 27, 2010 8:02 pm

From the Twitter feed on the TGA's official site:

"Radio City Music Hall tickets on sale now! Longest set ever that night! 12:20:57 AM June 26, 2010 from TwitBird iPhone"

I'm predicting several covers and lots of Sink or Swim.
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The '59 Sound
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 27, 2010 8:49 pm

I'm hoping they play each album from front to back, taking 20 minutes in between sets....

They could do it!! It would be legendary!

cannot wait for this show!
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I'da called you Woody
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 27, 2010 9:44 pm

i saw that and went like this.


i dont know if im going or not. this made me so....just bleh. it made me really wanna go, but not sure if i can.
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steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2010 4:34 am

to be honest though, all their sets could be a bit longer
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The Navesink Banks
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2010 6:00 am

yeah i saw that tweet too. talk about a bummer.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2010 10:30 am

steady now steady now wrote:
to be honest though, all their sets could be a bit longer

. . . especially if they want to establish themselves as the type of act that plays these larger venues with some regularity.
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I'da called you Woody
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2010 10:38 am

steady now steady now wrote:
to be honest though, all their sets could be a bit longer

Definitely agree with this. They have enough material now that they could easily play 25 songs (or more) each night.
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Red In The Morning
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 1:08 am

I don't think I really agree with you guys on this. These are just my opinions. I don't think they are really that big of a band yet. 25 songs or more, is basically them playing 8 (or more) song from each of their full length albums, that is almost all 3 records in its entirety and the Senor ep will give you the "more". To do that every night, I think would get boring. It leaves no room for mixing things up or playing different songs, or giving fans the chance to hear a song maybe they haven't played in a long time. Its only record #3, I think as they come out with more records and fan base grows they will play longer sets when they have more songs to choose from but not right now. Thats just me
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 1:49 am

Novella wrote:
I don't think I really agree with you guys on this. These are just my opinions. I don't think they are really that big of a band yet. 25 songs or more, is basically them playing 8 (or more) song from each of their full length albums, that is almost all 3 records in its entirety and the Senor ep will give you the "more". To do that every night, I think would get boring. It leaves no room for mixing things up or playing different songs, or giving fans the chance to hear a song maybe they haven't played in a long time. Its only record #3, I think as they come out with more records and fan base grows they will play longer sets when they have more songs to choose from but not right now. Thats just me

so playing more songs leaves no room for fans to hear songs that aren't played often? i would think the opposite...

and i couldn't imagine being bored at a gaslight gig.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 11:01 am

Novella wrote:
I don't think I really agree with you guys on this. These are just my opinions. I don't think they are really that big of a band yet. 25 songs or more, is basically them playing 8 (or more) song from each of their full length albums, that is almost all 3 records in its entirety and the Senor ep will give you the "more". To do that every night, I think would get boring. It leaves no room for mixing things up or playing different songs, or giving fans the chance to hear a song maybe they haven't played in a long time. Its only record #3, I think as they come out with more records and fan base grows they will play longer sets when they have more songs to choose from but not right now. Thats just me

The problem with that is they're not mixing it up now. On the current UK run, they've played 20-21 songs per night. A quick look at the four shows on setlist.fm has 16 songs played at all four and 3 songs played at three of the four. The mix is 8-9 songs from American Slang, 8-9 from The 59 Sound, 1 from Senor and the Queen, 2-3 from Sink or Swim and a cover. It's only four shows but still.

I don't expect them to play their full catalog every night but they have almost 40 studio tracks now and another half dozen covers that they've played semi-regularly in the past year to choose from. Adding a handful songs from Sink or Swim and Senor could give the setlists a little more variety while appealing to the fans that see multiple shows and/or want to hear the "old" stuff.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 11:57 am

They've had to play songs from Sos and 59S for the last 2 and a half years. It's more than likely grown a bit tiresome for them and now they have new material of course they're gonna want to play it for a change and show it off a bit.

Perosnally I wish the Sos/59S split in the set list was weighed heavier in favour of Sink or Swim, but are the majority of people going to these shows fans on the back of Sos? Would that album even appeal to them? Do they even know it exists?

I don't think the size or popularity of the band has an effect on how long a set they should play, only the ability to pull that off should be the deciding factor. Can Gaslight pull that off? I'd like to think so, but not many bands can, and it takes a lot of ability, set diversity and so on to keep people engaged for 2+ hours. Though I'll be paying €23/$28/£18 exc. charges for my ticket to see them so I'm expecting something special for an hour and a half's entertainment.
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A Contender
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 12:18 pm

It certainly would be nice to hear variety in the songs they play, but I don't expect them to play more than two or three from Sink or Swim. They are promoting the new album, after all. And although it would nice to be surprised when something that doesn't get played gets tossed in the set, the cries of "play the old ones" almost make it seem like they're an over-the-hill classic rock band that people go to see so they can hear "the hits." Let them play the new album. I haven't heard any of these songs live yet, and I want to. At least that's my view of it.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 12:40 pm

Jlblue wrote:
It certainly would be nice to hear variety in the songs they play, but I don't expect them to play more than two or three from Sink or Swim. They are promoting the new album, after all. And although it would nice to be surprised when something that doesn't get played gets tossed in the set, the cries of "play the old ones" almost make it seem like they're an over-the-hill classic rock band that people go to see so they can hear "the hits." Let them play the new album. I haven't heard any of these songs live yet, and I want to. At least that's my view of it.

I don't think anyone is saying they don't want to hear the new stuff live. I totally understand them playing all or at least most of it every night. The songs are fresh, playing them is exciting, etc. I want to hear them too. I'd love to see them mix up the remainder of the setlist though. We'll see what happens in the states soon enough.
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A Contender
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 1:01 pm

But by the same token, even artists like The Boss, masters of set-mixing-up, don't even start mixing up setlists until partway through the tour. So maybe later the setlists will start changing a little more later, but for now, I wouldn't really expect them to do anything other than the setlists they've been playing recently.
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 4:09 pm

i wonder if Brian has the authority to call audibles or if it needs to be a band huddle.
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 6:32 pm

i got really excited by this tweet, but this probably means more SoS, which is going to be strange in a seated venue.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 30, 2010 6:54 am

WingsForWheels wrote:
i wonder if Brian has the authority to call audibles or if it needs to be a band huddle.

Well, when they tore up the set list yesterday at Oxford, he certainly called the shots, but waited for nods from the other guys before launching into anything. So it was something between audibles and a group huddle.
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 30, 2010 8:31 am

Hey i was just wondering do they ever play 1930 anymore, I don't think Ive heard a song with more beautiful lyrics then that track
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A Contender
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 30, 2010 11:19 am

1930 wrote:
Hey i was just wondering do they ever play 1930 anymore, I don't think Ive heard a song with more beautiful lyrics then that track

Heard it once in my three times seeing them..March 2009 in Pittsburgh. Brian said something like "I don't usually do this, but someone asked for it, so here goes....". And ripped it up.

I think it's kinda rare to hear it.
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 30, 2010 7:15 pm

1930 wrote:
Hey i was just wondering do they ever play 1930 anymore, I don't think Ive heard a song with more beautiful lyrics then that track

they closed my Edmonton show with it after a lengthy huddle. semi-rarity, i think, as RGT said.
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A Contender
A Contender

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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 30, 2010 8:47 pm

They played it in the encore at the Wellmont show that ended the '59 Sound tour. But that was definitely not a normal show.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 01, 2010 12:54 am

ral wrote:
Novella wrote:
I don't think I really agree with you guys on this. These are just my opinions. I don't think they are really that big of a band yet. 25 songs or more, is basically them playing 8 (or more) song from each of their full length albums, that is almost all 3 records in its entirety and the Senor ep will give you the "more". To do that every night, I think would get boring. It leaves no room for mixing things up or playing different songs, or giving fans the chance to hear a song maybe they haven't played in a long time. Its only record #3, I think as they come out with more records and fan base grows they will play longer sets when they have more songs to choose from but not right now. Thats just me

The problem with that is they're not mixing it up now. On the current UK run, they've played 20-21 songs per night. A quick look at the four shows on setlist.fm has 16 songs played at all four and 3 songs played at three of the four. The mix is 8-9 songs from American Slang, 8-9 from The 59 Sound, 1 from Senor and the Queen, 2-3 from Sink or Swim and a cover. It's only four shows but still.

I don't expect them to play their full catalog every night but they have almost 40 studio tracks now and another half dozen covers that they've played semi-regularly in the past year to choose from. Adding a handful songs from Sink or Swim and Senor could give the setlists a little more variety while appealing to the fans that see multiple shows and/or want to hear the "old" stuff.

I agree.

Daire wrote:
They've had to play songs from Sos and 59S for the last 2 and a half years. It's more than likely grown a bit tiresome for them and now they have new material of course they're gonna want to play it for a change and show it off a bit.

Perosnally I wish the Sos/59S split in the set list was weighed heavier in favour of Sink or Swim, but are the majority of people going to these shows fans on the back of Sos? Would that album even appeal to them? Do they even know it exists?

I don't think the size or popularity of the band has an effect on how long a set they should play, only the ability to pull that off should be the deciding factor. Can Gaslight pull that off? I'd like to think so, but not many bands can, and it takes a lot of ability, set diversity and so on to keep people engaged for 2+ hours. Though I'll be paying €23/$28/£18 exc. charges for my ticket to see them so I'm expecting something special for an hour and a half's entertainment.

Obviously, they're going to be playing primarily their newer stuff, but to say that they shouldn't or wouldn't play older songs because new fans might not know their older stuff? That just seems stupid to me.
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 01, 2010 1:23 am

Jlblue wrote:
They played it in the encore at the Wellmont show that ended the '59 Sound tour. But that was definitely not a normal show.

that was so epic. maybe the best encore they've ever done.
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 01, 2010 2:59 pm

They're playing around 20-23 songs a night on this tour.  Even if they play all of American Slang, that leaves 10-13 additional spots in the set.  I think any given show should have those spots filled with some combination of 6 songs from '59 Sound, 5 from SoS, and 2 from SatQ.  Or at least something like that.  That would be satisfying.  They're playing like 1-3 SoS songs a night.  Just bump that up to 4-5 and you have a better spread.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 01, 2010 3:15 pm

all these numbers make it seem like im in school. weird.
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Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews)   Radio City Show to be "longest set ever" (now with set list & reviews) Icon_minitime

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