I just woke up from a dream that my family had returned home from some sort of trip, and our house was on fire. It was one of those bizarre dreams that feel 100% real, but when you wake up you start remembering huge details that make no sense, like the fact that our neighbors had huge battle fortifications around their house, and a telephone pole had fallen and broken a portion of our fence, but it had water coming out of it instead of electricity.
So I waited outside while my parents single-handedly put out the fire (which makes no sense, because A) I'm 19 years old and I should have been helping them, and B) the fire department never showed up). Once the fire was out, it turned out that only one room was seriously burned, even though it looked like half the house had been on fire. My first thought was "I better Facebook this!" I also saw a trailer online for some predictable-looking Matt Damon military movie. Then I woke up.
And I also had a dream once that my high school had been moved, but every detail of the building was exactly the same, except ..... it was on a beach! I liked that dream more.