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 My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures

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PostSubject: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 1:56 pm

I haven't posted on here in a while since I've been without internet in my apartment for a while, but I recently started work on my half sleeve which was inspired by the Gaslight Anthem. In 2007, I first heard Sink or Swim and that album changed my perspective not only on myself as a person but also as who I was as a musician. I wasn't playing the music that made me happy and wasn't being myself with my music. This band has changed my out look on music and life as a whole so, I felt I owed them something as a thank you. I hope to speak with Brian and the guys again at another show and show them all and give them much thanks.

So far I just have the out lines done. I go back on May 29th to do shading and hopefully start the color.

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Little Eden
Little Eden

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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 2:04 pm

Oh that's hella sick! Keep us updated when you get it filled in! But it's off to a great start!
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 2:09 pm

That is superb
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 2:18 pm

Dude thats fucking sick
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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 2:35 pm

dude thats fucking radical!
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 2:44 pm

Man that is incredible cant wait to see it coloured and shaded.

Im hoping to get a partly Gaslight inspired tat over the summer but this puts it to shame.

Love it!
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 4:04 pm

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 4:15 pm

That's incredible!! It'll look so good when its filled. I'm thinking of getting Gaslight motivated ink soon, thinking about "Be Strong" on the inside left forearm and "Stay Free" on the inside right forearm.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 2:59 pm

it looks incredibly sick now, I can't wait to see the finished product, I can guarantee that it will be the best Gaslight Tat bar none.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 3:07 pm

Fuckin' raw man!
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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 3:12 pm

would totally steal this idea. haha
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 7:39 pm

wow. cant wait to see this once its all shaded.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 7:39 pm

oh, and you should definitely email their myspace account & have this pic in their "showing love" pictures on their myspace page once its all done up!
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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 10:39 pm

dude that is one bad ass tat, love the ship.

out of curiosity how long did it take?
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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 10:59 pm

how much did it cost you?
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 2:30 pm

Thanks for the response everyone! I really appreciate it. I go back on May 29th for shading and a bit of color. It will be done by the end of June if we stay on schedule.
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 2:32 pm

andy.mac wrote:
dude that is one bad ass tat, love the ship.

out of curiosity how long did it take?

It took about 4 or 5 hours. We were supposed to start at 12:30 pm but didn't get started until 2 since my guy had to finish drawing some pieces and get the out line on me just right then he ate lunch haha. I was out of there at about 6 o'clock in the evening.
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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 2:33 pm

oldgospelchoir wrote:
how much did it cost you?

The outline alone only cost me $300. The artist is a friend of some of my closest friends and he cut me a deal especially since the session was real relaxed and we took a few breaks. I'll probably be in it $900 to $1,000 when all is said and done.
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 2:34 pm

steph wrote:
oh, and you should definitely email their myspace account & have this pic in their "showing love" pictures on their myspace page once its all done up!

I definitely want to do that and hopefully when I see them in Columbus in July I can talk to them and show them since it should be done by then.
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Little Eden
Little Eden

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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 2:40 pm

That would be so cool to show them!
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 2:45 pm

Little Eden wrote:
That would be so cool to show them!

I've had the idea floating in my head to do this for about a year now. I talked to Brian in Pittsburgh the day after my birthday in last year, he couldn't believe I had only turned 20 haha. It'd be awesome to share the story with them.
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Little Eden
Little Eden

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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 2:50 pm

I'm seeing them this summer in San Jose, but I'm not sure if I'll get to talk to them just cuz of the way music in the park is set up.

I wanna get "this heart is on fire" on my left side and I thought it would be cool if I ever met Brian if he could write it down and I could get the tattoo in his writing (or the closest my artist could get). Just a silly dream haha
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 3:07 pm

Little Eden wrote:
I'm seeing them this summer in San Jose, but I'm not sure if I'll get to talk to them just cuz of the way music in the park is set up.

I wanna get "this heart is on fire" on my left side and I thought it would be cool if I ever met Brian if he could write it down and I could get the tattoo in his writing (or the closest my artist could get). Just a silly dream haha

That is an awesome idea! I think it's very humbling for a band to see that you've put something of theirs on your body permanently. I have one of Anti-Flag's logo's on my inner calf and it was my first tattoo. I was able to show Justin Sane at a show in March and he was floored. Told me it was an inspiration to keep writing and playing music. I've been into them since the late 90's and they were the first band to really change it all for me. So, I thought I owed them something.
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Little Eden
Little Eden

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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 3:29 pm

It sounds like The Gaslight Anthem is my Anti-Flag haha. Before I discovered TGA I wasn't really into researching music or listening to anything that wasn't in the mainstream. But now I live for finding new alt/punk artists and being able to "enlighten" my friends with bands they've never even heard of.
My college has a really sick venue for bands like TGA and I applied to be on the committee that's in charge of booking bands. If I get in it'll be my sole purpose to bring TGA to UCSB. I would die. Haha
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures   My gaslight anthem inspired half seelve. w/ pictures Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 3:34 pm

Little Eden wrote:
It sounds like The Gaslight Anthem is my Anti-Flag haha. Before I discovered TGA I wasn't really into researching music or listening to anything that wasn't in the mainstream. But now I live for finding new alt/punk artists and being able to "enlighten" my friends with bands they've never even heard of.
My college has a really sick venue for bands like TGA and I applied to be on the committee that's in charge of booking bands. If I get in it'll be my sole purpose to bring TGA to UCSB. I would die. Haha

I actually got into TGA when I was asked to book them in West Virginia. My freshman year of college I was just getting out booking shows because I was doing it all on my own and got an e-mail from their old booking agent to book them and I think Streetlight Manifesto and declined because I had never heard of them. Then I saw they were opening for the Bouncing Souls and thought I'd check them out. Got my hands on Sink or Swim and fell in love instantly. I honestly do not think I'd be who I am right now if I hadn't heard them 2 years ago. They changed my entire perspective on what music should be. Simple and passionate. They helped me realize that what I was doing musically 2 years ago wasn't what I really wanted, I was trying to be something I didn't have my entire heart in. They helped me grow up a lot.
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