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 Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record??

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Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record?? Empty
PostSubject: Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record??   Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record?? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 13, 2010 1:54 pm


Quote :
Examiner: What can fans expect from you in the near future?
Chuck: Right now I'm writing a record with my
friend Brian Fallon of the Gaslight Anthem. We plan to record in May
and release the record sometime in the fall. If we finish it. Right now
there's no expectations. So as far as The Ragans here, more of the
same. Writing and recording records, working on up and coming Revival
Tours, and living life to the fullest!

Something like Bristle Ridge with Austin Lucas maybe?
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 72
Join date : 2008-11-01

Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record??   Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record?? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 13, 2010 3:40 pm

Heard rumour of this sometime ago, and it's alluded to in some other threads. Really looking forward to this, should be cracking Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record?? Icon_cool
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Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record??   Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record?? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 1:57 am

This should be a great record, these two are both on the top of their games right now. I don't think this will come out for awhile. The Gaslight will be busy touring and promoting American Slang. I haven't been this excited for an album to come out since Green Day "Insomniac". Loved that album as much as Dookie, the critics wrote it off, but it was a dark album for them, and they just went in and recorded it. I think that when a band goes in and records quick and live in the studio, things turn out the best. Obviously you need to practice the songs, but the magic is lost when you take 13 years (Axl) to make an album and do too much tinkering and re-recording. Either the song is good or not. An a- side or a b-side. This will be the Gaslights definitive album, it's their second with Ted Hutt, just like Insomniac was Green Day with Rob Cavallo. Can't wait!!
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Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record??   Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record?? Icon_minitime

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Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan record??
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