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 American War

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Jukebox Romeo
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Jukebox Romeo
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
Jukebox Romeo

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American War Empty
PostSubject: American War   American War Icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2009 4:12 pm

So I just found out today that the singer of Cleveland's own The Sidekicks has a solo project titled American War. I also just found out today that he released an album called Rhetoric. And, upon listening to it, I just found out today that it is incredible. Seriously. His voice is ridiculous, the songs are awe-inspiring and catchy as shit, and the album just completely blew me away.

So, to promote this amazing composition, I bring to you "Rhetoric." For fans of awesome music, or fans of slightly folky, acoustic brilliance. Check it out. It'll be the best 26 minutes and 28 seconds of your week. Or maybe the best 52 minutes and 56 seconds of your week if you play it back to back like I did the first time. Here ya go:
American War - Rhetoric - http://www.mediafire.com/?mkyjnbnj3kr

Here's his myspace: www.myspace.com/americanwar
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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American War Empty
PostSubject: Re: American War   American War Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 12:00 pm

Yeah I saw this guy at FEST. He is brilliant, like you said his voice is amazing, and it holds up perfectly live too. My friends and I love his song 'Bricks' and play it all the time.

He has his album up for free anyway from IYMI http://www.ifyoumakeit.com/album/american-war/rhetoric/

And that website is also fuckin rad!
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American War Empty
PostSubject: Re: American War   American War Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 1:45 pm

I had a listen and this guy's pretty good.

I've been on a real Frank Turner, Billy Bragg, Bob Dylan etc. kick at the moment so your 'slightly folky, acoustic brilliance' is what made me check him out.

Thanks for the recommendation.
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The Navesink Banks
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American War Empty
PostSubject: Re: American War   American War Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 6:49 pm

Wow, only on track 2, but really good.
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Jukebox Romeo
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
Jukebox Romeo

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American War Empty
PostSubject: Re: American War   American War Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 6:57 pm

how about that second half of Heavenly? ridiculous, no?
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American War Empty
PostSubject: Re: American War   American War Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2009 4:08 am

This actually isn't the lead singer of the Sidekicks. Matt has been playing solo under the name The American War for a long time, and he joined the Sidekicks just after the band released the Sam EP. The lead singer of the Sidekicks is Steve Smith, a much different singer than Matt. Steve also does some solo stuff, but it's on the backburner while the band is getting all this attention. You can hear Steve's stuff here:
...I guarantee you'll like the song "Barreling Along"

These guys are from the Columbus area of Ohio, where there's a really good group of young songwriters and bands. The three main names that stick out are Steve Smith (from Sidekicks), Matt Schuerman (The American War), and Andy Cook (from Ghost Town Trio). The cool thing is all these guys are best friends, and they all make great music, 100% DIY in recording, producing, and even playing live. In fact I think they even opened their own venue where they play shows. It's called the "Soggy Dog House" named after Sam, the late pet dog that the Sidekicks' debut LP and EP are named after.

Sorry for the report. I find this Ohio crew to be very interesting. If you like this new free album by Matt, check out his split with Andy Cook, also offered for free.
You'd be crazy not to love Andy Cook's "Amused and Well Rounded"
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First Among Equals
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American War Empty
PostSubject: Re: American War   American War Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2009 7:04 am


Live on a couch - BRICKS - very nice!


And here is the MP3 version:

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Jukebox Romeo
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
Jukebox Romeo

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American War Empty
PostSubject: Re: American War   American War Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2010 4:50 am

I'm pretty sure these guys are from Cleveland. at least the band is based there. here's an article on the Soggy Dog House you mentioned, which is an awesome place: http://lakewoodobserver.com/read/news/features/please-read-notes-local-music-lovin-on-clifton-boulevard

cool read. gives you a pretty good sense of what they're all about. and as for Steven T.P. Smith, thanks a bunch for the heads up on his solo stuff. I had no idea. I found a link for 9 of his solo songs, 3 more than are on his myspace page:
Steven T.P. Smith - Solo Recordings - http://www.mediafire.com/?eyymkhmy0jw
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A Contender
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American War Empty
PostSubject: Re: American War   American War Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2010 8:23 pm

Hey thanks for that. I've been following him and the Sidekicks for a long time and I have all those songs, but they're all myspace rips. Where did you find this link?
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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American War Empty
PostSubject: Re: American War   American War Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2010 9:04 pm

I've been trying to work out the chords for "Bricks" by watching that Pink Couch video. I've got everything down except there's something that looks like an Aminor, but isn't exactly, and I can't see what it is. Anybody know?

Also I dunno if the little F chord is an Fmaj7 or really just the small F chord but I put Fmaj7 to differentiate.

This is what I had, the forum screwed up the chord placements though:

Quote :

*Note, the Am doesn't always sound right but it sounds okay

Capo on the 5th fret

C Fmaj7 C G
C Fmaj7 Am G F

C Fmaj7
White were the walls that encased my body
White were the hands that locked me inside
C Fmaj7
White was the color of every other stripe
Am G F
on the flag that watched over our dreams
C G Am Fmaj7
If labels are limits, then those sirens are blaring
C G Am (hammer-on riff)
behind us as they we on by
C G Am Fmaj7
screaming "Get back here you dirty sons of bitches!"
C G Am (hammer-on riff)
"Can't you read that fucking sign?"
C Fmaj7
White were the sheets upon which i slumbered
White was the light that awoke me
C Fmaj7
White was the noise that echoed down the hallway and
Am G F
silently rattled through my brain
C G Am Fmaj7
If labels are limits, then we're crashing right through that
C G Am (hammer-on riff)
glass ceiling overhead
C G Am Fmaj7
and the janitors keep the brooms and dustpans in the closet and
C G Am (hammer-on riff)
smile wide-eyed towards the sky

C Fmaj7 C G
C Fmaj7 Am G F

C G Am Fmaj7
If labels are limits, then we're crashing right through that
C G Am
glass ceiling overhead
C G Am Fmaj7
and the janitors keep the brooms and dustpans in the closet
C G Am
smile wide-eyed towards the sky
C G Am
smile wide-eyed towards the sky

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Jukebox Romeo
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
Jukebox Romeo

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American War Empty
PostSubject: Re: American War   American War Icon_minitimeSat Jan 16, 2010 1:50 am

rhg5010 wrote:
Hey thanks for that. I've been following him and the Sidekicks for a long time and I have all those songs, but they're all myspace rips. Where did you find this link?
somebody posted this link on punknews.org's review for Weight of Air (which they named the best album of 2009): http://cultureasgiven.blogspot.com/2009/07/steve-smith-sidekicks.html

I thought it was awesome that they voted Weight of Air the best album of 2009. regardless of how great or little influence punknews.org actually has on the punk community, this will go a long way to getting them the recognition they deserve. even if it only resulted in getting a few more people to listen to the album, it will still help out the Sidekicks immensely and is a pretty nice honor
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American War Empty
PostSubject: Re: American War   American War Icon_minitime

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