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 two Gaslight Anthem amps for sale on ebay

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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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two Gaslight Anthem amps for sale on ebay Empty
PostSubject: two Gaslight Anthem amps for sale on ebay   two Gaslight Anthem amps for sale on ebay Icon_minitimeTue Oct 27, 2009 7:15 am

I know they're not vinyl, but they are 'collectibles'

there are two Gaslight Anthem owned amps for sale on ebay; the info says:

"This is a Fender Twin Reverb 65 reissue amplifier. It is in very good condition. It is owned by Gaslight Anthem and was used on the first leg of their last US tour. It has been used for about 30 shows. It has always been in the roadcase that was made for it. The roadcase alone cost $400 from x case. It works and sounds great. We will split the case and amp up seperatly if someone wants but prefer to sell them as a set." Starting bid is $800 [see pic below]


the other one:

"This is a Dr z Maz Jr 18 nr amp. It is a 18 watt head with 2 el84s and 3 12ax7s. It does not have reverb. It is brand new. It is owned by Brian Fallon of The Gaslight Anthem. It has only been turned on for a few sound checks. It is still in the original shipping box. This is a great deal on a great sounding amp."


Fender Twin Reverb 65
two Gaslight Anthem amps for sale on ebay !BdhP79!!mk~$(KGrHqUH-CEEq-ym,(QuBK5PZsvT+!~~_12
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two Gaslight Anthem amps for sale on ebay
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