Hey guys, I'd like some input. For my Business in the Digital Arts class I had to come up with some kind of product idea to develop. I settled on the concept for a vinyl website, which is called Spin.fm as a working title.
I'm taking a large bit of inspiration from two sites, wax.fm and Vinyl Collective. I want to create a site could essentially be a one stop website for information, community, supplies, and records. A driving part of the site would be articles and information for people that know nothing about records and are trying to get into it. Record trading, an extensive online store, and a forum would be there as well.
Anyway, it's still in the early phases, but I want to see what you think. What would you want out of a website like this? What do you like/don't like about current vinyl-related sites? Would a site like this interest you at all?
Thanks in advance.