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 Terminal 5 (NYC) - oct 15th

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Terminal 5 (NYC) - oct 15th Empty
PostSubject: Terminal 5 (NYC) - oct 15th   Terminal 5 (NYC) - oct 15th Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 8:00 pm

So last time in NYC tickets sold out - looks like a bigger venue now.
Anyone ever been to terminal 5 before? Opinions? Think they can sell out this venue too?
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 66
Join date : 2009-05-06
Age : 36
Location : Yonkers, NY

Terminal 5 (NYC) - oct 15th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terminal 5 (NYC) - oct 15th   Terminal 5 (NYC) - oct 15th Icon_minitimeSun Aug 16, 2009 12:18 am

Idk I've heard mixed reviews about it the venue, but I dont care, I bought my ticket. I cant miss TGA, MBD, and BC on one stage in NYC. They might, but I'm not sure, Webster Hall is a lot smaller than T5 based on what I've read on T5. I don't think they'll sell out T5, but I guarantee there will be a lot of people there.
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Terminal 5 (NYC) - oct 15th
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