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 My personal mixtape 27-31 July

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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: My personal mixtape 27-31 July   My personal mixtape 27-31 July Icon_minitimeSat Aug 01, 2009 10:17 pm

Here you can download my first uploaded mixtape, which seems a little bit shorter for me than the other mixtapes that are uploaded here. It contains 18 songs and maybe some new stuff for you. I hope everything works alright and you like it!


The Bouncing Souls- Dubs says true: This is a recently released song of the 20th Anniversary disk of the Bouncing Souls. In my opinion the Souls are one of the best still existing Punk/rockbands.

The Loved Ones-Candy Cane: For me wirth MASSIVE the best song of their Debut EP. I especially like the harsh voice of Dave Hause , who it seems like sings against the guitars.

Millencolin- Brand New Game: A song of a swedish 1993 founded band taken from their album machine 15, which is their most popular release.
I really don t know how famus they are in the states.

Blink 182- Happy Holidays, You Bastard...: I have to admit that this is not one of my most-liked bands, even if they have made a few good songs like this one.

Frank Turner- District sleeps alone tonight: A cover of the english solo artist Frank Turner. I really got to like him more and more with every song I listened to.

Pennywise - One Reason: Not my favourite band , but for sure they have some fascinating songs.

My Chemical Romance-Teenagers: This is a band I usually don t like except songs like this one.

Far From Finished- Roses and razorblades: A super band from Boston, of that I like the melodys and the passion they sing with in some songs. Bythe way, Ths is my favourite song of the band.

Cashless- What I believe in: This band should be something new for you because they aren t really popular also in Germany where they come from. In the passed time the have brought out two longplayers and founded their own label. The latest record called living between the lines they produced on their own.

Frontkick- hold your ground: A song from a punkrock-rocknroll band from berlin (germany)that I like bc. of the lyrics and the guitar sound.

Muff potter - das siegerlied: Also a German band that you already might have heard of, in connection with Chuck Ragan who likes the band too.

The Mnzingers- A lesson...: In my opinion a very talented band with some memorable songs. I learned to know the Band through this forum.

Me first and the gimme gimmes: A band that I like some way...maybe because of the style they cover the songs with. This seems to b one good covered song for me!

Various- A WALK IN THE Park: Just a version a little bit faster than the original that I like also.

The Loved Ones-3rd shift: For me the best Loved Ones release. Just one of my favourite songs.I can t wait for some new songs.

Hot Water Music -Trusty Chords: I´m probably not their biggest fan-but this is my favourite song of them.Great.

Cashless- We are the youth: Another song of this band...the name of the album is very similar to the ragan album. Maybe a tribute.

Gaslight Anthem-The patient ferris wheel: I think this is a band to that I do not have to explain very much. Just great.

Hope the text wasn t tooo long. Thanks for reading. I´d be glad about comments.

Last edited by thomas94 on Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:06 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: My personal mixtape 27-31 July   My personal mixtape 27-31 July Icon_minitimeSun Aug 02, 2009 6:21 am

Just finished downloading. Looking good. About to listen now. Thanks.
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My personal mixtape 27-31 July Empty
PostSubject: Re: My personal mixtape 27-31 July   My personal mixtape 27-31 July Icon_minitimeSun Aug 02, 2009 6:30 am

i was planning to put millencolin on my tape to Smile
have you seen them alive? i have seen them together with far from finished. oh and my favourite album by them would definitely be "home from home" and "life on a plate" and don't understand why machine15 is their most popular one, because i think the former ones are better.

so: tga, millencolin, me first & (i like them somehow too, but you didn't name the song), hot water music, blink, pennywise
looks pretty good
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: Re: My personal mixtape 27-31 July   My personal mixtape 27-31 July Icon_minitimeSun Aug 02, 2009 11:47 am

Wink Sorry-just noticed I forgot to write the song of Me First. I guess it s the harder they come of their 2008 album "Have Another Ball". I haven t seem 'em live , but I wish I would have done. Machine 15 contains for me a lot more good songs like vicious circle or turnkey paradise than their former releases you named. But this can be different at every person. It always seemed like Machine 15 would be the popularest record, if I´m not right feel free to correct me.
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My personal mixtape 27-31 July Empty
PostSubject: Re: My personal mixtape 27-31 July   My personal mixtape 27-31 July Icon_minitimeSun Aug 02, 2009 6:37 pm

@ tomas94

just like you said it depends on someones tastes what they think the best album of millencolin is. to me the best ones are those i already named, but the new one is not bad too.

well i can't say which one is the most popular, but i guess that "kingwood" and "machine 15" are both their most popular ones.
well maybe you will one day see them alive they are really good and they played together with far from finished when i swa them this year =)

i just downloaded your tape and will be going through the songs that i do not know.

i did't not know about "cashless" too, although i am living kind of next to germany, but i did know muff potter and i think it is cool you put a song with german lyrics on it because i will put some german sung songs on my tape. so are you able to understand it?

oh yeah: a bout the blink song,
the song is called "happy holidays you bastard"
the name you wrote in your explanation is actually the one of the album containing that song. it's the "take off your pants and jackets" one.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: Re: My personal mixtape 27-31 July   My personal mixtape 27-31 July Icon_minitimeSun Aug 02, 2009 8:09 pm

Sorry again-just corrected the name of the Blink song - I was a little bit tired when I wrote it:|. Well, in a way Cashless are popular, because they already played with the Alkaline Trio, the Donots, Frontkick, Less Than Jake, The Casualties, Guttermouth etc. but to famousness they ave get a lot more popular.
In my opinion it s really sad that Muff Potter stop their band now...liked some songs of them a lot. Maybe I ll watch Millencolin live some day...
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PostSubject: Re: My personal mixtape 27-31 July   My personal mixtape 27-31 July Icon_minitimeMon Aug 03, 2009 4:10 am

The Far From Finished song was the first song on the tape to catch my ear. Brilliant!
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: Re: My personal mixtape 27-31 July   My personal mixtape 27-31 July Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2009 6:54 pm

So, what would you finally say...did you like it?
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: My personal mixtape 27-31 July   My personal mixtape 27-31 July Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2009 7:49 pm

im downloading it now, post my thoughts after i give it a listen...
just so you know, there is an official mix tape sign up and a specific person posts one each monday. that might be why you havent gotten many responses yet.
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PostSubject: Re: My personal mixtape 27-31 July   My personal mixtape 27-31 July Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 5:48 am

The Bouncing Souls- Dubs says true: Love the souls. A good song.

The Loved Ones-Candy Cane: Used to love these guys Razz good song.

Millencolin : Brand New Game: I'm not sure how famous they are in the states but there famous in here in Australia! Top track.

Blink 182- Happy Holidays, You Bastard...: I like blink, this songs alright.

Turner- District sleeps alone tonight: Really enjoyed this song, one of my Fav Frank T songs.

Pennywise - One Reason. Alright song, but they have a lot of better stuff than this. Listen to the song Bro Hymn Tribute and the album Land Of The Free.

My Chemical Romance-Teenagers: used to be one of my fav songs, when this album was released. great album, but i've grown out of it.

Far From Finished- Roses and razorblades:Pretty mad song. Caught my ear. The guitar is madd, and his voice is sweet. THe song just rolls! I'll check em out.

Cashless- What I believe in: Pretty good song, rocks pretty hard. The slides in the verses are awesome, and the pre chorus is awesome!

Frontkick- hold your ground: Not my fav song on this mixtape but not bad. It's got a good vibe to it though, sounds like the bands having fun playing it.

Muff potter - das siegerlied: Didnt really like this song, i'm not sure why. just didnt do it for me.

The Mnzingers- A lesson...: One of the best songs i've heard by these guys. I'll check them out.

Me first and the gimme gimmes: Love these guys! Songs not bad, listen to Goodbye Earl. My favourite track by them Smile

Various- A WALK IN THE Park: Not bad song, who actually is the various artists?.

The Loved Ones-3rd shift: Pretty solid song,. heard it before (i have their albums) and its good Smile

Hot Water Music -Trusty Chords: One of my favourite songs by these guys. I've listened to fuel for the hate game and its alright, but i really enjoyed this.

Cashless- We are the Youth - nice song, just wanna shout with the chorus.

Gaslight Anthem-The patient ferris wheel: What can I say. AMAZING!

thanks tom, nice mixtape.
oh and we might need to fit you in to the list a bit later on. I'm not sure if you've noticed but we have a weekly mixtape, and this one sort of just popped up and i thought it was the weekly one. I shouldve checked. Anyway, thanks for uploading it, but we might add you on to the end of the list, and repost this topic when we get to your date, so you get a proper week for your work. Have a good one.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: Re: My personal mixtape 27-31 July   My personal mixtape 27-31 July Icon_minitimeTue Aug 11, 2009 12:13 pm

Thanks lyncheatspizza for the detailed information and your opinion of every song. Yes, steph...you are right, the missing list might be the reason. I really didn t know about that.

Last edited by thomas94 on Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: My personal mixtape 27-31 July   My personal mixtape 27-31 July Icon_minitimeTue Aug 11, 2009 2:14 pm

its cool, just letting you know. ive been catching up on all the mixtapes lately, ill post some comments soon!
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