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A forum dedicated to The Gaslight Anthem - Brian Fallon says: ''For consistent and up to the minute stuff, Dimestore Saints is a great place to check out and hang with some really nice people.''
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 Latitute and Dour reviews

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steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
steady now steady now

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Latitute and Dour reviews Empty
PostSubject: Latitute and Dour reviews   Latitute and Dour reviews Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 9:44 am

Here are two 'reviews' of TGA at Latitude and Dour, which I picked up via Google news alerts:


But from here on in, it was time to RAWK. The Gaslight Anthem are four tattooed, good 'ol boys from New Jersey. They play hard and fast, and they have two or three ripping tunes. The '59 Sound is the best of them. Even the sun came back out for their set, which was definitely one of my highlights of the weekend.



Meanwhile, The Gaslight Anthem run through their ‘The ’59 Sound’ LP on the big, outdoor Last Arena stage – it’s all very wholesome, and very tied to its influences (that’ll be The Boss, then), but for all the band’s energy the New Jersey quartet simply don’t connect this afternoon. Can’t win ‘em all.

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