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 Nine Crimes - my cover

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Age : 36
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Nine Crimes - my cover Empty
PostSubject: Nine Crimes - my cover   Nine Crimes - my cover Icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 3:04 pm

I wasn't sure if I should post this in "Other Bands" or here, but I'm not in a band and these aren't original songs, so I figured General Chat is where it belongs. I've done a cover of Nine Crimes that I'd like to get some critiques on!
Now, to qualify it first:

  • Recorded in my kitchen, on my laptop mic, w/ no post editing. Production qualities... seriously lacking.
  • Sounds too mechanical in places to me, I'll work on smoothing that out
  • Cut out the outro entirely and just played some modded chords instead. Sorry!
Anyhow, here it is! I've also got covers of In The Sun and Here's Lookin At You Kid, but they have some crappy spots that I want to hammer out first. Thanks in advance, and be honest!
(BTW, it's .wma. If this is a problem for anyone, lemme know and I'll convert to mp3)
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Age : 39
Location : Wigan, England

Nine Crimes - my cover Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nine Crimes - my cover   Nine Crimes - my cover Icon_minitimeTue Mar 15, 2011 1:58 pm

Nice cover of Nine Crimes Man, check out mine if you wish and feel free to'like, comment, subscribe etc as I have a lot of Gaslight covers on my You Tube channel

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Nine Crimes - my cover
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