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 5/9 asbury park show? anyone go?

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5/9 asbury park show? anyone go? Empty
PostSubject: 5/9 asbury park show? anyone go?   5/9 asbury park show? anyone go? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 12:58 pm

did anyone go and/or get a setlist?

it was awesomeee
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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5/9 asbury park show? anyone go? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5/9 asbury park show? anyone go?   5/9 asbury park show? anyone go? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 4:51 pm

Yep, I was there. I was side stage right at the entrance to the VIP section. Great show, but the sound always sucks at the Pony...
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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5/9 asbury park show? anyone go? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5/9 asbury park show? anyone go?   5/9 asbury park show? anyone go? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 4:52 pm

I went. I can't remember the setlist perfectly but it went something like:

Great Expectations
High Lonesome
Old White Lincoln
Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
We Came To Dance
The '59 Sound
Film Noir
Miles Davis & The Cool
American Girl (Tom Petty Cover)
The Navesink Banks
Meet Me By The River's Edge
Here's Lookin' At You Kid

Then in the encore:
Blue Jeans & White T-Shirts
Casanova, Baby
Woody Joe
Angry Johnny
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Join date : 2009-06-20

5/9 asbury park show? anyone go? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5/9 asbury park show? anyone go?   5/9 asbury park show? anyone go? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 8:48 pm

surfNJ wrote:
Yep, I was there. I was side stage right at the entrance to the VIP section. Great show, but the sound always sucks at the Pony...
I didn't think the sound was so bad...
But yeah I was there.
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5/9 asbury park show? anyone go? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5/9 asbury park show? anyone go?   5/9 asbury park show? anyone go? Icon_minitime

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5/9 asbury park show? anyone go?
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