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 A LOT of Gaslight vinyl for sale, going on eBay tomorrow so get it now!

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 44
Join date : 2010-09-18
Age : 41
Location : Southern Indiana

A LOT of Gaslight vinyl for sale, going on eBay tomorrow so get it now! Empty
PostSubject: A LOT of Gaslight vinyl for sale, going on eBay tomorrow so get it now!   A LOT of Gaslight vinyl for sale, going on eBay tomorrow so get it now! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 23, 2011 10:58 am

I put another post up last week, but have sold several things since then. If anyone wants to make offers on what I have left, send them to me today because I'll start listing this stuff on eBay tomorrow. I'd much rather see these go to fellow Gaslight collectors who are working on finishing their collections. Here's what I have left at this point:

Sink or Swim LP
Black (1st pressing)
Blue (1st Euro pressing)
Red (2nd pressing)
White (2nd Euro pressing)
Clear (3rd Euro pressing)
Opaque green (3rd pressing)
Opaque purple (3rd pressing)
Clear (4th pressing)
Clear w/ blue springe (5th Euro pressing)
Clear red (6th Euro pressing)

The '59 Sound LP
Black (1st pressing)
White (1st pressing)
Blue (1st pressing)

American Slang LP
Black (1st pressing)
Grey (1st pressing)
Half black/half green with splatter (1st pressing VC exclusive)
Green (1st Euro pressing)

Senor & The Queen
Black 10" (Euro pressing, sleeve opens to the top)
White 10" (2nd Euro pressing)
Red 10" (3rd Euro pressing)
Red 2x7" (1st pressing)
Clear 2x7" (2nd pressing)
Black 2x7" (3rd pressing)
Gold 2x7" (3rd pressing)

Sink or Swim Demos 7"
Black/green split (1st pressing)
Gray/blue split (1st pressing)
Orange (1st pressing)
Gold (2nd pressing)
Yellow (2nd pressing)

Tumbling Dice 7"

Other releases
Great Expectations 7"
No Retreat, No Regrets 7" bootleg (green and red vinyl)
The '59 Sound/Even Cowgirls get the Blues 7" (black and gold vinyl)
The '59 Sound/State of Love and Trust 7" (clear)
Songs for Teenagers split 7" (neon green, coke bottle clear, and black vinyl)
Gospel Songs split 7" (brown, gold, platinum, and white vinyl)
Live at Park Avenue 10"
Old White Lincoln 7"

Please PM me with any offers. Thanks!
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A LOT of Gaslight vinyl for sale, going on eBay tomorrow so get it now!
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